Monday, August 25, 2008

Basketball gold medal

First of all, hurray! We won a gold medal in men's basketball that should really just belong to us, sort of like the Statue of Liberty. Countries should have to invade in order to get this away from us.

That being said, I was one of a few who was worried three years ago that what's good for America is bad for Duke. I'm still not convinced that it's otherwise. After the win, here's what one columnist said:

"...Krzyzewski... will be fending off monster contract offers from roughly 28 of the 30 NBA teams. If Coach K can get 12 skillionaire superstars to meld their individual brilliance into a team effort, he has a secret mojo that is priceless."

That is all fine and dandy, but HE ALREADY HAS A JOB! Leave him the *&^%$ alone!

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