Monday, September 1, 2008

Well, at least her husband is named Todd

Other than that, I can't think of many other good reasons to be excited about Palin as VP. Don't get me wrong, she's very interesting, but Republicans don't typically go for interesting, and this one might be too much for them to handle. For example, I got all this in about 10 minutes of reviewing the news tonight:

She once belonged to the Alaska Independence Party, which thinks that Alaska should secede from the United States.

She apparently hired lobbyists to go to Washington to get lots of earmarks for her town when she was mayor. A town of 6,000+ got over $5 million in earmarks while she was there.

She is under ethical review by the Alaska legislature, yet no prominent Alaskan has come forward to say that they helped McCain vet her. Repeat, McCain didn't even ask any of them - Republicans included - their opinion before he announced her candidacy.

And I'm not even going to touch all the personal stuff. I have no problem with Palin, she seems like a nice enough person, but this is the kind of decision making we can expect from McCain? It's yet another in a long line of moves by his campaign that suggest to me that he doesn't really take the job very seriously. It's like he's running for student body president, and just thinks that it doesn't matter how disengaged he is, the principals and teachers will be there to clean up the mess.

But enough of all that, here's my bet. I will bet $10 to any takers that McCain has to pull this nomination. Palin will "change her mind so she can focus on her family", but they just won't be able to stand the distraction of all this craziness for the next few weeks, it makes the entire campaign look like a Bill and Ted sequel.

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