Tuesday, September 2, 2008

All bets are off

I'm glad nobody took me up on this, because I'm now convinced that Palin will stay on the ticket.

There are two clear reasons. First, if McCain pushes her off, it means he's admitting that he made a mistake, which he is loathe to do, ever, and is particularly unlikely to do in the middle of a campaign. In short, it would be disastrous, his judgment, and almost reckless decision making style would be the topic of conversation through November.

Second, maybe more importantly, if McCain throws Palin overboard, the Right will never forgive him. They will absolutely abandon his candidacy, and with them goes any chance of keeping this election close.

So, she's in for the long haul. Fasten your seat belts, it's likely to become way more fun before this is all over!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

as a follow on to today's nytimes piece -


perhaps this is offensive to some - but I thought it was really funny, but maybe I just like flow charts ...
