Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain wasn't tortured...

.. if you believe Bush/Cheney's definition of the word. All the things John McCain endured in prison camp are techniques that this administration uses against detainees. Oh, and John McCain, by supporting the Military Commissions act, in effect says that you should respect him because he endured torture for his country, but that it's ok for us to torture detainees. Huh?

The various ways in which Republican logic breaks down with even the smallest amount of scrutiny is really just beyond what a rational individual can tolerate. Trust us with the budget, although we've doubled the national debt in 8 years. Trust us on national security, although we are clearly incompetent at finding guys like Bin Laden and rebuilding Afghanistan.

No rational person should be able to buy into all this, which means that Republican messages have to be about emotion, and not reason. Symbolism helps too. Things like patriotism, winning wars, freedom, etc are all things that everybody likes, but that everybody defines differently. So there's no downside to wrapping yourself in those and hoping that it works in terms of getting people to vote for you.

Interestingly, Obama does the same thing, with words like hope and change. But he also provides enough depth to his policy discussions so that there's something in his message for everybody.

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