Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Latest TV game show: Fact or Conspiracy Theory?

I mentioned in an earlier post that the truth about the Bush Administration is sometimes so bizarre that you couldn't actually make it up, since people would dismiss it as "crazy conspiracy theory" out of hand.

One story I mentioned (I think, bourbon fog...) was that Ron Suskind reports that the Bushies forged a letter linking Iraq to Al Qaeda and uranium in Niger. Oddly, it mentions both facts in the same letter.

So anyway, the news here is that the conservatives outside the White House aren't really challenging the story, they just say Suskind got details wrong. It wasn't the CIA that did the letter, it was Feith in the Pentagons "Office of Special Plans", which sounds so Orwellian as to be laughable. By the way, the writer here is himself an ex-CIA guy.


The story looks more and more like it's true, and John Conyers has promised (finally) to have his staff look into it.

More background here, including links to transcripts released by Suskind proving that he quoted his sources accurately:


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