Friday, August 29, 2008

Governor Palin

One thing about Obama's pick of Biden as VP, it meant that people would say, "oh, hey, great choice" and move on, because we already know all about Biden, good and bad. There isn't any getting to know you type media coverage needed, because he was just a serious candidate for president this past fall.

With Palin, it's different, we get to spend time learning about her. Like the fact that she named her daughters after television characters (that also happened to be witches). And the fact that she thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

So, kudos to McCain for picking a woman, I think that's great for America. Let's see what we learn about her in the next few days, and then we'll get to decide, was this pick smart, or was it utterly ridiculous? So far, given what I've seen from McCain in this campaign, my money is on ridiculous.

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