Friday, August 8, 2008

Exxon's profits

Just on a whim, because this kind of stuff is fun to me, I did a quick little analysis of Exxon's profits they announced last week, just to understand how large they were.

Exxon reported over $11 Billion for one quarter, in profits alone. That means, that in one quarter, Exxon made more than twice as much as the entire country of Nicaragua makes in a year.

In fact, if you take Exxon's profits for the whole year (not sales, profits), Exxon would be in the top 65 countries in the world. If you take Exxon's revenues, it puts them in the top 20 countries in the world (i.e. kind of like Sweden). Think about that. Exxon = 106,000 employees. Sweden = 9.2 million people.

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