Friday, September 12, 2008

Stop the self flagellation

I think this guy also has a good perspective on why Democrats shouldn't despair:

If Democrats can say at the end of this campaign that they made clear exactly how and why these two are unfit for high office they can be satisfied they served their country.
If Democrats speak the truth, point out the lies and hypocrisy of the McCain campaign, and even after all that, and all the trouble of the Bush years, they still manage to lose, then fine. You did what you could. America is not a perfect place. Logic and reason don't always win. What's your alternative, turn you back on logic and reason and get down in the mud with the lipstick-wearing pigs?

One last quote, MLK, Jr.

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw Obama on letterman last night... the problem right now is that he had several opportunities to make that case in plain terms, but instead made his points along grand themes. He doesn't need to get into the trough, but he does have to articulate a hell of a lot more clearly the differences (and not just mccain==bush, we've heard that already, what does it mean specifically?).